
The purpose of this site is to inform expectant parents who might be considering adoption (and their friends/family) of our desire to adopt again and to provide a glimpse of what our family is aboutOur lives have been made full through the adoption of our precious daughters, Mia and June, and the birth of our son, Edmond.  We feel like we have lots of love to share and we're hoping to add another child to our family.


  1. David and Ashley, this is amazing. You guys are amazing! Mia is beautiful. And David, how did you end up with such a beautiful wife? ;) We will share this link and look forward to seeing your growing family.

    Janna (Usher) Beecher

  2. I stubbled along your (regular) blog one day by hitting random. After reading a bit I decided to bookmark it. I'm sharing your link on my facebook.... I'm from the east coast... who knows, it may bring you something... or so I hope it may help.

  3. I was browsing through the website to discovered your page. I am truly touched by your story and your family is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I am really interested in adoption, but my husband is not on the page with me. I had surgery a few months ago and get a little sad because I would have LOVED to have a daughter. God has blessed me with a beautiful 5 year old son. He gets really lonesome and it makes me so sad that he may be an only child. I am going to pray for you and your family, but I am so happy that I discovered your story because it makes me smile and brings light to my own situation.
    Take care, Toyia Charles-Comminey

  4. We're a waiting couple too and I just had to tell you that your opening paragraph is just beauty... It's inspiring writing but it also speaks of your heart so clearly. It's just refreshing! Good luck with your search and I am confident your baby will find you soon!

  5. Hi Ashley - I am Devanie Roberts older sister, McKay. I was wondering if you could contact me or let me know how I could get a girl in contact with you. My email is pinkiebling@gmail.com



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